It is very strange to enter a ‘fish special’ restaurant and order some veggie preparation. Being a vegetarian I do strange things like this. People stare and people question, not by words in literal but a virtual debate starts all over again. Veg versus non-veg! Living in front of a fish market, with neighbors cooking fish day-night and fish-eatarian friends all around, I do manage to keep a lot much interest in fish. Which fish grabbed my attention first to design? It is the ‘filet-o-fish’ from Mc Donald’s. Acknowledgments to the burger! I have a bed linen of fish patterns, a t-shirt with a fishy message, fish key ring and fish even as a block print. Some woven fish are missing though. Too fishy, is it?! But yes I think fish is a very cliché subject for patterns. Fish are not like flowers; the ever alive ones in patterns and textiles.

mahesh che form ahet ki tuze ahet????
pan fishes la decoration beautiful
maze form ahet yaar!! declaration vaach na...everything on this blog is done my Aarti...unless is given credits ;) ;D
Now I also have some woven fish!
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