Nostalgia takes up suddenly when I realize that it’s been long since my last post. You have interesting subjects to write on, but you are just not in a mode to write and you still want to post something… this is the scene with me for this particular post. Being into the ‘fall’ mode of designing, here are some falling leaves with fall colors… this is all that I can say. I await some maple and oak leaves to fly over to me with added grape leaves to work on some actual hands-on textures.
Also, a crave for doing new things at the edge of two disciplines with striving allies has taken up corners in my mind these days. Creativity begins at the edge of two disciplines; they say; I do believe in the same and this lead me to start two new blogs (wait for the first post) Agility rules and Hastakari with Amol and Aayushi respectively. Amol is an art director, the advertising guy one can say and Aayushi is an industrial designer working with glass and ceramics. Their whereabouts can be soon explored on the blogs. Though blogging is just part-a-way of being visible online, I am quite excited on working on this…nonetheless with naïve ideas but encouraged to make them obtrusive enough for further inspirations!! is what I look forward!
oh how lovely!! Cant wait to see more posts on the new blogs!
Aarti, it has been a long time since I visited your blog. More than the images in this present series of contents, what I genuinely appreciate is the writing. You have successfully managed to develop a truly absorbing style of writing. Keep it up!!!! I look forward to reading more philosophical content on creativity and other related aspects on the two new blogs you plan to create. You have a keen eye for photography too, and I am sure your forthcoming blogs will make it even more obvious. Keep up the good work !!
Now I guess these blogs are not going to come in existence :(
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